The union makes big projects possible
We collaborate with FESBAL in the Great Food Drive 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many families without resources, even for the most basic things like food. That is why everyone’s help is vital, today more than ever.
We are happy to announce that we are collaborating with FESBAL (Spanish Federation of Food Banks) with a donation to contribute to the Great Food Collection 2020. And you, by being part of our family and taking care of yourself with our cosmetics, have contributed your grain of sand to this important cause.
The Great Food Drive is the most important activity of all the activities of the Food Banks throughout the year. Since 2014, the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) coordinates the 54 Food Banks in Spain in their promotion, dissemination and administration activities.

Once again, we sponsor the Dissantes of Mataró
Iroha Nature participates, once again, as a sponsor of the Dissantes 2020, the party that the Maresme Foundation and Santi Project, together with the City Council of Mataró organize in the framework of Les Santes, the main festival of Mataró, to bring citizens closer to what people with intellectual disabilities do and how they live.
Always committed to social causes, Iroha Nature collaborates with the non-profit social initiative that promotes and encourages the integration of people with intellectual disabilities, from the principles of normalization and recognition of difference.
Our contribution will help the work of the foundation, based on generating a positive and realistic view of society towards people with disabilities, promoting the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities at a comprehensive level, and making visible the work done by the Foundation Maresme in favor of this group.
Iroha Nature donates 1500 hand mask gloves to health professionals
In view of the situation we are experiencing, at Sensalia Labs we consider it important to do our bit to contribute to the well-being of those who are on the front line of the fight against Covid-19: health professionals.
That is why we have donated more than a thousand Iroha Nature mask gloves, specifically 1,500, which are key to the care of our health professionals’ hands, the part that suffers the most from constant disinfection. The recipients of these mask gloves have been, at the beginning of the crisis, the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona. And seeing the need to continue helping and contributing, recently our mask gloves have arrived at the Hospital Universitari Dexeus, Hospital Sagrat Cor, General Hospital of Granollers, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Mataró Hospital, Henares Hospital and Retirement home of Boadilla del Monte.
“It is essential to take care of those who are caring for us and saving lives. Therefore, from Iroha Nature we want to transmit all our encouragement and support by donating these hand mask gloves, which we hope will help them to have their moment of disconnection and well-being”, says Puri Martínez, CEO of Sensalia Labs.

We take care of our heroes’ hands
Especially these days, health professionals need to be pampered and cared for as they do with all of us every day. Therefore, from Iroha Nature we wanted to do our bit so that their hands are always hydrated and do not dry out by using latex gloves and alcohol disinfectants. We have donated, with all our love, gloves and moisturizing masks to the Hospital Clínic and Sant Joan de Deu, in Barcelona.We collaborate in the fight against Coronavirus at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
We are living in an unprecedented moment. While we are all applying the containment measures indicated by the authorities to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the research and care teams at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona are dedicating their efforts to caring for patients and finding a cure as quickly as possible to help stop and combat the disease. And we, have wanted to be part of the initiative #RespuestaCoronavirus, at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.

Un año más llevando sonrisas a los hospitales
Colaboramos un año más con Elssomriure Pallassos d’Hospital, un grupo encantador de payasos voluntarios que trabajan con ilusión para levantar los ánimos en el Hospital de Calella.
Con su humor son capaces de despertar las sonrisas más bonitas y de regalar momentos de alegría a los pacientes y profesionales del hospital. Especialmente a los más pequeños, que disfrutan del entretenimiento que «elsSOMriures» les proporcionan.
Risonancy Magnética, Txiringa, Txispas, Rudi Grafia y Globula Rosason los encargados de visitar y llenar de color con sus gracias, sus bailes y sus historias cada rincón. Podréis encontrarles por Pediatría, en el Hospital Oncológico, consultas externas de Pediatría, salas de espera, UCSI y Hospital de Día.
We sponsor the Dissantes de Mataró
Iroha Nature participated in 2019 as a sponsor of the Dissantes, the festival that the Maresme Foundation and the Santi Project, together with the Mataró City Council, are organizing in the framework of Les Santes, Mataró’s main festival, to bring citizens closer to what people with intellectual disabilities do and how they live.
Always committed to social causes, Iroha Nature collaborates with the non-profit social initiative entity that promotes and encourages the integration of people with intellectual disabilities, from the principles of normalization and recognition of difference.
Our contribution will help the work of the foundation, based on generating a positive and realistic vision by society towards people with disabilities, promoting the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities at an integral level, and making visible the work that the Maresme Foundation does in favor of this group.

We contribute to the empowerment of women, through Fundació Guné
Empower 30 women and you will move the world! History has given us great women who, through their struggle, have managed to change the rules of society of their time.
They are women capable of defending the interests of their environment every day with courage and perseverance. Iroha Nature is already part of the change of 30 women from a village in Senegal who want to transform their world, empowering them through education, health and economy, making them more autonomous, free and with more capabilities so that they can move forward with their basic needs covered.
In addition, a teacher will give classes in literacy, nutrition and community health; he will also give workshops on agriculture to improve crops and increase yields. This cross-cutting intervention will bring about a real and positive change in the entire village population.
Art and love as universal languages with ARTISTLOVE
ARTISTLOVE Association is a non-profit organization that promotes social transformation through artistic interventions and personal and community development throughout the world.
It is in the register of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the City Council of Barcelona since 2014. Its work focuses on co-designing social, creative and artistic initiatives both in Barcelona and internationally.
We, like ARTISTLOVE, believe that art and love are universal languages that unite all cultures and passion is the driving force that moves us as individuals and allows us to develop as such. For this reason, we collaborate with them in their projects, which range from vocational self-realization workshops, participatory art, mural art, with social education as a backdrop.
We love that they are an entity that trusts the potential and diversity of its participants (children, youth and community groups) and their capacity as creative human beings; able to transform themselves and their environments.

We fight against breast cancer with the Fero Foundation
We have joined forces through beauty and cosmetics, in the week in which the International Breast Cancer Day is celebrated. To do our part for a good cause that affects us all, 100% of the profits from the sales on our website in October 2018 were given to the Fero Foundation to help oncological research. This is something that we had already undertaken in 2016, when we donated a percentage of the sales of our Q10 mask to the Foundation.
The protagonists of our history are women. Therefore, one of our main commitments is the fight against breast cancer, so that we can all continue smiling and enjoying life.
Women are our inspiration when it comes to creating and choosing the causes that matter to us and can contribute to creating a better world. This is why since our collaboration with the Yo Dona women magazine and breast cancer research organisations, such as Fundación Oncológica FERO, we continue to support social initiatives.
We have sponsored the Dissantes de Mataró
In 2018, Iroha Nature participated as a sponsor of Dissantes de Mataró, the fiesta that the Maresme Foundation and the Santi Project, together with the City of Mataró organised within Les Santes, the largest festival in Mataró, to inform the citizens about what we do and how people live with intellectual disability.
Always committed to charitable causes, Iroha Nature collaborates with the non-profit charity initiative that encourages the integration of people with intellectual disabilities, from the normalisation principles to self recognition.
Our contribution will help the foundation’s work, based on generating a positive and realistic public attitude towards people with disabilities, encouraging the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities at an integral level, and raising awareness of the work carried out by the El Maresme Foundation in favour of this group.

We collaborate with the CEO Foundation from Maresme
Every time we prepare a special delivery to our influencers or send them information about our products, packs, and campaigns, we have the help of the CEO Foundation of Maresme. The CEO is a Special Work Centre at the Maresme Foundation, whose purpose is the creation and maintenance of jobs for people with mental disabilities throughout the Maresme region.
Our goal is to develop productive work, participating regularly in market operations and having the objective to ensure a remunerated job and the provision of personal and social adjustment services required by our employees in order to make an improvement in their quality of life.
The work of the CEO is structured around the following: productivity, with the different areas of the project and the personal attention paid to the team of professionals at the Support Unit for Professional Activity (USAP).
Iroha Nature at the Telva Marathon
Iroha Nature sponsored the Sanitas TELVA marathon event, with 3000 entries in the third women’s edition. This was an important event with the sport that turned out to be a great success.
The event was held at the Dehesa de Navalcarbó Sports Centre, where Iroha Nature gave the 3000 runners a welcome bag containing a foot mask. We were present on the race track and at the awards ceremony (racers’ numbers, start-finish arch, exit-arrival-relay signs, at the backstage awards ceremony, signage and delivery numbers).
The event stood out due to the high influx of people, the great atmosphere, the cheering audience, the closeness of people, and a lot of desire to enjoy a day in the company of friends or family.